Every human being was made to be known and to know others.
It’s a rare thing in our fast-paced, insta-world to have a place to pause and engage one another face-to-face. Our Humanity Groups are intentionally designed to be an authentic space where people can come together and experience the power and presence of Jesus in one another.

Although engaging the Scriptures is something that happens at every group, simply studying the Bible is not the end goal of our groups. When we come together, and are connected to one another in life, there’s a magic that happens. God starts to move in miraculous and unexplainable ways, and that’s when Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus are truly and fully lived out in real time. People all around us start to experience the unexpected in everyday and ordinary ways.
Come experience it for yourself!
What Can I Expect?
While each of our groups reflect the uniqueness and creativity of its members, there are a few elements that you can expect to experience at each Humanity Group meeting. Here’s what you can expect:
We start off each group with some time focusing our hearts, minds and spirits on Jesus. This can come in many different ways. There may be a song shared, there may be some quiet time to reflect, there may be an interactive moment. This time is designed to help you pause and get reconnected.
This is at the heart of each group time. We take time to share personal needs, struggles and successes, and then the Spirit of God moves in and through those areas of our lives. We are not just a “sit and study” community. We’re a “come and see God move” community.
The Scriptures are the foundation for everything we do at Humanity. We believe they have the power to speak into our souls and shape us as people. We don’t study the Scriptures like a text book, but more like a manual for every part of our lives.
We spend the last part of group planning for what’s next. Our groups don’t just come together to grow, but to be on mission together to bring faith, love and hope to the world around them. This can include everything from who we’re inviting to join in to planning a service project.
Our groups are the outreach and service wings of Humanity Church. Each group decides how to invest their time and energy into serving communities in need or connecting to friends, family and coworkers that could use some extra love.

Absolutely! To be honest… we aren’t really either. We have no hidden agendas. We only have one goal: That you would experience Jesus in a meaningful and personal way.
Nope! It’s all an invitation. Feel free to engage however you want. No expectations here.
Bring yourself… and a friend if you want. Some people bring an actual hardcopy of the Bible. A lot of people just open the Humanity Church App and read the Bible on their phones. If either of those options seem daunting, no worries. We’ll take care of the rest.
While we would love for you to come back, you’re always welcome to just check out a group once. Consider it a first date. We encourage people to check out a few groups and then get committed to one that is a good fit.
Some groups love kids, others aren’t as prepared for kids. On our group search page, look for the groups that say kids are welcomed. We love to see families in groups together!